
A project of LAG Tanz NRW and LADIES DANCE – women for women in cooperation with the Institute for Dance and Movement Culture at the German Sport University Cologne. To encourage and involve urban female dancers in informal dance cultures in North Rhine-Westphalia. To achieve the goal of gender-specific, sustainable promotion of young dancers in dance culture. The project strengthens the personalities of urban dancers, connects them with each other and supports them in their dance and dance-cultural development. The vision is to achieve gender-specific equality of urban female dancers as well as polyphony in the urban dance scene in NRW. The project is accompanied by female mentors and role models from urban dance culture.

This week at the FOUNDATION CAMP gave me so much confidence, love and life and it inspired me and made me realize that I do have a space in this dance community which more than often I thougt I didn’t. But we all do! 


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