My educational work includes cultural education as well as artistic creative education. I teach in a variety of educational contexts in both informal and formal educational settings. 

In my many years of work as a dance educator, I have developed a broad range of expertise and mediation skills in informal educational contexts as well as in institutional teaching. In leading my own educational projects and teaching concepts, I experience myself today as a bridge person and visionary for education at the interface of informal and formal education. My goal is to bundle energies and potentials of both worlds in order to generate more knowledge and more voices. Here I work together with people and institutions to enable especially urban dancers a cultural and artistic education.

Selected educational projects:

Project for the empowerment and participation of girls and young women in informal urban dance cultures. Funded by the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Project management

since 2016 MEET & DANCE
Project for girls with and without a history of flight. Funded by the Ministry for Children, Family, Refugees and Integration of the State of North Rhine-Westphalia.

Project management

since 2015 From Cypher to Stage
As part of the dance meeting of the Tantreffen der Jugend, national competitions of the Berliner Festspiele.

Workshop leadership with Bahar Gökten

2020 Street to Stage – URBAN PROGRESS 
Funded by ChanceTanz, a project of Aktion Tanz – Bundesverband Tanz in Bildung und Gesellschaft within the programme Kultur macht stark. Alliances for Education of the BMBF.

Project management

2021 Cypher Lab & Creative Lab
Within the framework of URBAN STAGE TOOLS , a programme by nutrospektif and tanzhaus nrw, which provides dance-makers from urban dance cultures with working methods and specialist knowledge for the transfer of their own choreographic work to the stage context and work in the independent dance scene.

Workshop leader